Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Friday 18 June 2010

The Social Media Press Release

We've finally found the time to look at writing Press Releases.  A little research reveals that the Press Release is not held in particularly high regard in the world of interconnected social media.

"It’s incredibly hard to get a social media community interested in a press release, and it’s not because they hate hearing about what your company is up to, it’s just that they hate the way you’re telling the story."  (

What we need, apparently, is a Social Media Press Release, which is more suited to to media such as Blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

As a step in this direction we've produced the first of several Press Releases via PressDoc a company based in Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

So here's our first foray into this field, if you are interested, please follow this link - - and if you feel so inclined, please share it with your social circle.

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