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Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Relaxing into Meditation : Review by metafuzzy

"As a Buddhist who now leads meditation sessions , I often read around the subject looking for different ways of presenting the material to a range of people. Ngakma Nordzin's experience and understanding of technique and potential result is evident on every page of her book and she presents the material with clarity. One of the aspects of her writing that I appreciate is that it is informed yet simple and spacious. Her style reinforces the concept that she expresses about the importance of relaxing, both physically and mentally. This is often neglected in books on the subject and is particularly helpful. I recommend it as a core text for interested students and experienced practitioners alike."

Relaxing into Meditation Ngakma Nor'dzin
Aro Books worldwide  ISBN 978-1-898185-17-8

metafuzzy reviewed Relaxing into Meditation on  (

Relaxing into Meditation by Ngakma Nor'dzin
Aro Books worldwide  ISBN 978-1-898185-17-8

Available from,,, and other bookshops worldwide.

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