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Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Saturday 3 December 2011

Offers from Lulu and Zazzle - Sales don't necessarily sell

From time to time Lulu and Zazzle announce special offers.  These can include fairly drastic price reductions of 25% or even as much as 50% off.

This is good for the customer as it saves you money.  It's good for us also as it may encourage people to buy books and artwork but it doesn't affect the amount we receive.

That's the theory at least.

The strange thing that I have noticed is that people's purchases bear no particular relationship to the offers that are available.  Sales tick over the same as ever.  Sometimes books are even bought the day after an offer on them has ended.

I'm wondering whether people don't get to see the offers that are available and I'm not sure what to do about this.  The offers are often announced on Lulu and Zazzle's twitter streams so you may wish to follow those. I also blog or tweet about offers if I have the time, so people following this blog, or people who follow us on twitter should get to see these things. 

I would very much welcome your comments.

- Do special offers affect your decision to buy?

- Do you get to see the offers from Lulu and Zazzle? 

- What can we do to make sure that you see the offers that are available?

Please leave your comments on the blog - - I would appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.

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