The Rabbit of Death lives in the magnificent Cave of Everlasting Terror. He rides each day on his huge motorcycle to bring a little chaos to the lives of
rabbits in need of change. They meet him with trepidation, as he can be gruff and strange – but he is a kindly figure even though he has a strange and startling way of helping. The rabbits he helps join him in his mysterious world – becoming Rabbits of:
Special Powers, Poetry, Destiny, Laughter, Rainbows, and Flyingness. They work together with the Fox Family from Finland to rid Penarth of the foul and horrible chain-smoking rats Morgoth and Sowgoth Gizzardswill – and their vile vindictive nephews.
These stories overflow with humour, word-play, and weird surprises. They carry a heart-warming message: Everyone has skills and qualities that can be developed. Everyone can learn to be kind, creative, and exciting.
Harry Potter meets
Monty Python when nine-year-old Ræchel Togden’s dad agrees to be her typist and Photoshop facilitator. Ræchel Togden’s imagination runs wild when her dad—being an author and artist—enables her to develop stories and illustrations beyond the limits of her age – yet her creations remain entirely hers.
The Legendary Rabbit of Death
Aro Books worldwide
20th March 2013