Zorba Publishers contacted Aro Books worldwide in July 2010 having read a pre-publication review of Relaxing into Meditation by Ngakma Nor'dzin. Zorba Publishers were impressed with the review and were enquiring as to whether they could publish an Indian Subcontinent edition of the book..
At Aro Books worldwide we decided that we had to assure ourselves, as best we could, of the quality of Zorba Publishers' books and that we were happy with the proposed contract. Geetu Goel, the Director of Sales and Marketing at Zorba Publishers sent us a sample book and a proposed contract.
We were happy with the publication quality and so we proceeded to examine the contract. I read through it and discussed it with colleagues who work for our charitable organisation. We were impressed with the nature of the contract in that it sought to ensure fairness and strictly limited both the geographic region and the time period for the Indian subcontinent edition. The contract ensures that we, the owners of the work, retained overall control.
Since signing the contract we have been impressed with the work that Zorba Publishers have been doing to make a success of this venture. They have contacted bookshops and distributors as well as magazines which take articles or publish book reviews. All this is being done to ensure that when the book launches there is already a good degree of knowledge about it within the expected audience of people interested in spirituality.
We have also been impressed with the continued clarity of communication from Zorba Publishers, keeping us informed of every stage of the process.
The book has yet to launch, so we cannot yet claim that this work has been successful, but so far, I would say that I am very happy with the way things have gone.
'ö-Dzin Tridral, Aro Books worldwide
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